Thursday, September 17, 2009

Everyone has their own right..

everybody have their own rights to do what they like.. I am a music fan, but I don't fancy the entertainment world .I listen to music to hear the melody, rhythm, tone and also look at the lyrics when it has anything to do with life actually ... I also look from various angles, particularly the relationship with human nature ... it is true .... Maybe the people who do not understand this thing will turn on themselves to speak what they do not harm the relationship between human care and regret that in new life .. I am bored because my family had taught me not to be greedy, selfish and to appreciate others' sacrifices. I feel not like other people is not the same but sometimes I like the life I am proud to present who does not like trouble.I always remind myself not to pretend and not to act like hypocrite.I don't take the rights of others or his money and happiness with pleasure and satisfaction when I do not like it.I also don't take others' rights without volunteers hearts.I will tell the truth whether I like it or not.Looks like mylife can be so boring well thats what I am.....chow.

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